German Military Items

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A message from the Company about this area of the website...

Throughout the years we have recieved many comments, both positive and negative, about our continued interest in this specialized area of collectibles. We would like to acknowledge that we are aware that some people may find some of the following material offensive, and we appologize to those individuals...however we have taken the matter under a great deal of consideration, and have maintained our opinion that these items remain of significant historical importance.

Collector's Connection, Inc. in no way wishes to glorify or endorse any political ideals or beliefs which may be associated with any of the following items, but the company does however endorse the First Ammendment of the U.S. Constitution...freedom of speech is not always limited to topics that everyone wants to hear, and true freedom can only exist in an environment that tolerates all forms of expression equally.
This concept necessarily must allow the existence of ideals which some find apalling, if for no other reason than simply to preserve the freedom which we all hold so dear in this country.

Our company and staff are proud to say that we are all patriotic Americans, and in no way wish to misinterpret or misrepresent any American ideals or beliefs through our association with pre - 1945 German items.

We hereby adamantly declare that we do not glorify the Nazi regime by collecting and dealing in these types of items, and state categorically that we deal in this merchandise only to pay homage to the All-American concept of Capitalism.

It should also be noted by all who read this that dollar for dollar as an investment, World War II German Memorabilia has outperformed the stock market by a substantial margin annually since the end of the war over 55 years ago. In fact, in the last twenty years alone values have climbed approximately 1000 % for common examples...and the trading environment for rare items in this genre is one of practically being able to "name your own price". Investment Grade examples are often held by their current owners for periods of twenty years or more before changing hands again, only adding to the difficulty and cost of obtaining them.

Although we have often considered seriously our continued association in this line of collectibles, and despite the obvious political incorrectness of the issue...we shall continue to offer rare and historically important items of this nature to the collecting public, and believe that we remain one of the best sources of obtaining these items you will find anywhere.

As we are both aware of and sympathetic to the controversial nature of this subject matter, we value your opinion and feelings about this issue...and we have provided an area within our website dedicated to polling our clients on the subject, in order to allow people a forum to speak their minds on the topic.
It is a simple one question survey, and we welcome your comments on this subject.

Reproduction Uniform Items

We have access to some of the finest reproduction uniforms, insignias, and headgear available anywhere...although we also offer a complete line of original wartime produced items as well, and have almost unlimited resources for obtaining even the most obscure pieces for your collection !

If you would like to view our complete and up to date inventory of German Items, simply click on any of the pictures and you will be automatically redirected to the catalog pages...

Items of Historical Interest...

Although America went to war against Nazi Germany and shared none of the ideology of the regime, apparently the two countries did agree on this one concept...both nations produced enough surplus insignia and uniform items to fight the war for 25 years or longer, and both nations had a tremendous amount of these items left over at the end of the war !

Many of the items left over in Germany were destroyed right after the war, even the surviving veterans' personal many soldiers feared against reprisals by liberated former prisoners, advancing allied soldiers, etc. It would seem that they had good reason for such thoughts, as many returning soldiers found themselves face to face with partisan fighters waiting to exact retribution for war crimes committed by members of the German military.

Returning members of the Waffen SS were particularly singled out, and many were rounded up and summarily shot or hanged by lynchmobs of these newly freed patriots.

In fact it would seem from as many sources as we have been able to verify that the few surviving members of the SS who did make it home, were only able to do so because they had used the good sense to remove and most often destroy their uniforms before even attempting the journey. Stories are told of women burning the uniforms of their returning men in the streets, only days in advance of approaching allied often vain attempts to save their husbands, brothers and fathers from the inevitable justice of the Allied Military Tribunals.

Faced with all of these obstacles toward the preservation of such crime scene reminiscent items, it is truly remarkable that many actually did survive the war. The most notable examples are mostly due to the efforts of our own military, as these uniforms were quite highly prized by our own soldiers as war trophies of a defeated enemy. Newly captured officers and men alike were often stripped of their medals and insignia immediately upon arriving at any of the military internment camps, if for no other reason than to simply humiliate and degrade the defeated soldiers. An unbelieveable amount of insignia and uniform items were repatriated to the United States in the process, as our soldiers scrambled to bring home what they could before being sent home to America.

Original Wartime Produced Insignia Items

It is also a little known fact, that a huge amount of the original wartime produced bullion insignia worn by the German armed forces was able to survive the war simply because of where it was produced during the war.
It would surprise many people to learn that the majority of the bullion hand embroidered insignia items, as worn by the German Officers of the period, was actually produced by inmates of concentration camps...and in particular and almost incredibly, by Jewish tailors held in these camps. It has been well documented in both books and film, that tailors and shoemakers were often spared death in many of the camps they had been sent to die in...simply because they possessed a skill designated as essential by the War Ministry, and despite the Aryan notion of wanting nothing to do with the Jews.

As the extermination camps started being liberated, tremendous caches of unissued hand made insignia items were discoved in practically every camp. Naturally, the soldiers liberated these items as well...and much of it survives to this day, simply due to where it was made...


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